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We invite you to read multiple testimonial people have written about Dr. Moran Sciamama-Saghiv over the years. All testimonials are unchanged and from real people.

Lauryn Anderson wrote:
"When I look back on my experience as a student of Dr. Saghiv, I remember him as a tenacious, attentive and passionate educator. I recall him being visibly elated whenever I showed improvement as a student in his class. He always expressed how important my performance was as a student. During his lectures, Dr. Sahgiv did not want to move forward without each and every student mastering the material. He was patient when students did not understand the first time. One of his mechanisms of ensuring that we knew the material was to involve every student in class discussions in a non threatening way."

Aditya Iyer wrote:
"His way of teaching is very flexible as he will always try to help a student even if it would take several times teaching one concept. Dr. Sciamama-Saghiv was enjoyable to have as a professor, and his teachings played a significant role in my learning of the concepts of exercise physiology. I will strongly recommend him as a professor for any future kinesiology students that are especially fearful of the difficulty and complexity of classes. His influence as a professor creates a highly positive impact on the class's ability to learn the course material and apply it."

Jay Desoto wrote:
"If I could I would definitely take his class over any other professor/teacher I have ever had. Just to name a few positive attributes of professor Moran, The way he communicates with his students is unmatched, he can tell a joke in class with still getting his point across in the lecture, he is highly respectful to all of his students, he is always available, questions are always encouraged, help was always there when needed, and lastly he cares."

Joel Fregia wrote:
"Moran is one of those teachers who listens to a question, and puts himself into the student’s shoes so that he understands the thinking and perspective behind the question. That enables him to answer questions effectively, or even help a student reshape a question or line of thinking in order to reach understanding..."

"Two extremes of professor type are the slide-reader who engages with the subject material instead of the students, and the buddy-professor who waters down academic requirements so that every student gets an “A” and gives a positive evaluation. Both types tend to lead to the same problem: low information retention. Moran is neither. He engages with the students, and meets them at their level. He believes in distilling the most important information, breaking concepts down into their simplest forms. He then asks students to demonstrate their understanding, first in class, then in homework, then quizzes, then exams. At every step along the way, Moran encourages questions and observations during lectures, by email, during office hours, and during open tutoring sessions he offers to anyone in need. The result is learning that sticks."


Children's Book

Pumpy & Pumpina is a children's book by Moran Sciamama-Saghiv for 2-5 year olds that teaches them about the heart. Follow the main characters, James, Pumpy, Mary, and Pumpina, as they go about their day to day life and see how their hearts are important and affect them during different activities.

Katelynn Valenzuela wrote:
"Professor Moran Sciamama-Saghiv is one of the best professors I’ve had. He cares about his students, has a passion for the subjects he teaches, and has an effective teaching style..."

"I enjoyed the way professor Sciamama-Saghiv taught the course. He made learning interesting and the material easy to understand."

"I applied for a PTA program, and needed help with understanding the process in general, and how to successfully interview. Multiple session of one on one mentoring with Dr. Saghiv definitely helped. I got accepted into the program, and learned a lot."

Jasmine Cerda wrote:
"He was always respectful and willing to make sure to do whatever he possibly could to ensure the success of his students. I have never learned material so well in any of my other courses taught by other professors than with Dr. Moran..."


Destiny S. wrote:
"You were the only advisor in our department that made me feel heard and acknowledged, and I respect all the hard work and dedication you poured into our department. Although I did hate to see you go, I know you are doing amazing things at The University of Texas Permian Basin, and I want you to know that I greatly appreciated your impact on me as a student..."

A. Rayos. wrote:
"Hello Dr. Moran, I am sending this letter of recommendation request to you in hopes to get accepted into occupational therapy school. I know that we haven't known each other for very long but you are also the only kinesiology professor that I trust with this kind of thing because you have experienced grad school. I hope you can help me and thank you for teaching me."

Jordan B. wrote:
"It would be an extreme honor if you are willing to write me a letter of recommendation due to you being one of my favorite professors at A&T as well as my most challenging one as well that got me to expand my academic knowledge and see the big picture as well..."

Kala Thomas wrote:
"Dr. Saghiv mentored me during my clinical thesis for my MSCEP degree. He supported my interest in a unique research topic and design, and worked with me until I defended with honors and published an article. We invested many hours to achieve excellence..."

Brendan Eichmann wrote:
"I was mentored for my thesis from thinking of topics to defending my thesis. I enjoyed constant availability, professionalism, help with phrasing, edits and revisions, statistics, research design, and more. The entire process was of high quality and complete dedication to my success."

Christopher Sherve wrote:
"Dr. Saghiv mentored me throughout my thesis. He was dedicated to my learning process and success. He worked with me with a team approach from start to end."

Sarah Golus wrote:
"I was mentored to success from top to bottom. We worked together on my thesis’ topic, research design, data collection, and every chapter of the thesis. I got constant help and an immediate response to emails etc. I would definitely recommend being mentored by Dr. Saghiv."

Cornel Mctier wrote:
"My name is Cornell Mctier and I am writing on behalf of professor Moran Saghiv. I received my master’s in clinical exercise physiology at the University of Mary under Professor Saghiv. He mentored me through my thesis and data analysis and was instrumental in my success in my graduate program. He made a very difficult course very understandable through passionate teaching and coaching in the classroom, clinical setting, office times, and even constantly made himself available beyond working hours via phone or email. Data analysis is not easy and definitely not easy to a student working, interning, and conducting a study on 20 subjects. Moran worked with me and allowed me to send him more rewrites of my thesis then even I wanted to read personally. But every time the document came back with suggestions until it was ready. I’d recommend his guidance to any and every student he can reach..."

Ravid C., VP of Customer Success wrote:
"Dr. Saghiv was recommended to us by someone we trust. We discussed with Dr. Saghiv multiple lectures and workshops as a professional and personal development day for our employees. Employee reviews were extremely satisfactory and well beyond what we have experienced with past professionals. I would recommend Dr. Saghiv's lectures and workshops to anyone and everyone."

Roi N. wrote:
"As the CEO of our company, I give testimony to how difficult finding an excellent lecturer for your employees can be. We have visited with multiple possible professional lectures and found Dr. Saghiv to be above them all. His ability to captivate the audience is unmatched."

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