Welcome to Dr. Saghiv's practice questions and answers. Please note that the answers are located on another website page. Simply click of the link to find out the answers. The questions are organized by topics. If you did not understand a question or the answer, please contact us.
​Rules of Nature
What is the first rule of nature?
What is the role of movement in nature?
How many different ways do living forms use to avoid being hunted?
What is the definition of “work” in physics?
What happens in principle when work = zero?
What is the definition of "energy"?
Why is energy important?
What is the definition of "fatigue"?
What is the risk of extreme fatigue?
Fatigue that puts the person in a risk of death is called/termed?
When fatigue increases, what decreases?
How many different definitions are there for energetic efficiency? What are they?
Which type of metabolism is more efficient? Why?
Make a list of at least two reasons why cells rule function and existence.
Cells determine in an indirect way the body’s efficiency. Explain how?
Why is structure so important to function?
What are the possible implications of changing the structure of a part of the body (cell, tissue, organ, system, molecule, etc.)?
Explain the Stimulus-Response Principle also called the Complementarity Principle.
What is the outcome of a change to the close environment of a living form, cell, tissue, etc.?
What are the two main types of adaptations in the body? Can you give an example for each one?
What is the relationship between gradients and change?
Why are gradients so important?
What is a likely result of a gradient? Can you give an example?
If the stimulus is chemical in nature, the response will most-likely be ____________ in nature (complete the sentence)
Higher volumes decrease efficiency; is this correct? If not, what is correct?
Higher rates decrease efficiency; is this correct? If not, what is correct?
Comparing a baby to its mother; the baby’s volumes should be __________ compared to that of the mother’s (complete the sentence)
While comparing the average woman to the average man; and based on heart rate only; the average man should live _________ than a woman (complete the sentence)
All enzymes are proteins; is this correct?
What are the unique characteristics of an enzyme? What are their “super-powers”?
The “blueprints” for the creation of proteins are called?