General Discussion
Dr. Saghiv answers all your questions. While not a physician, Dr. Saghiv will do his best to give you answers and advise
3Exercise Science
Anything exercise, exercise physiology, exercise prescription, strength and conditioning, and weight lifting.
0Biomechanics & Motion Analysis
Anything biomechanics, motion analysis, movement analysis, skeletal muscle roles, force production, and more,
0Biogenetics & Exercise
Anything bio-genetics and exercise related. How are traits inherited, the influence of genetics on fitness and sports.
Anything human metabolism related, with a focus on health, wellness, and fitness.
0Exercise Testing
Anything exercise testing related; How to exercise test, protocols, measurements, result analysis, and more.
0College Success
Anything college success related; Admissions, choosing an academic degree, finances, academic interviewing, and more.
0The Job Market
Resume, curriculum vitae, interviewing, cover letter, job search, finding a job, job hunting, and more.
0Talent Acquisition
Talent Acquisition - how to interview others for a job, finding the right future employee, and more.
- General DiscussionFeel free to add comments, ideas, questions, and more while complying with the forum rules. Get started by commenting below. Dr. Moran Sciamama-Saghiv
- General DiscussionI would love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments. Dr. Moran Sciamama-Saghiv
- General DiscussionWe want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these rules; These rules apply to the entire forum and all discussions within: • Respect each other: 1) Always use proper language 2) No recist or demoting language 3) It is OK to argue and disagree, yet not fight 4) No cussing of any kind. • Keep posts relevant to the forum/discussions' topics. • No spamming. • No advertisement, external links, images, video, or other content other than text that has not been approved in writing by Dr. Moran Sciamama-Saghiv specifically. • No exposure of your body, especially private or intimate body parts that have not been approved in writing by Dr. Moran Sciamama-Saghiv specifically. • Avoid sharing private information such as phone numbers, addresses, bank account information, social security information, identifable information of any kind, or information of others. • If in doubt if it is OK or not, please ask first. • Promoting your business and/or services is prohibited without Dr. Saghiv's written permission. • Dr. Saghiv reserves the right to remove posts that do not compy partially or completely with the rules. • Dr. Saghiv reserves the right to change, add, or remove rules as he finds fit.